Foster/ Adoption Assessments for Dogs in Buckinghamshire and West Hertfordshire

Available in: South Bucks, Aylesbury Vale, High Wycombe, Bucks-Herts border

Laura Ward, Clinical Animal Behaviourist with her collie dog in Buckinghamshire

Laura Ward - Clinical Animal Behaviourist

Laura can help with dog assessments for those looking to foster or adopt a child.

Laura’s academic qualifications include: 

  • Advanced Diploma in Canine Behaviour Management

  • BSc (Hons) in Applied Behaviour

  • NVQ in Veterinary Nursing with the RCVS

Laura’s accreditations include: 

  • Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB)

  • Full member Association Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) No.01184

  • Animal Behaviour & Training Council (ABTC) Accredited Practitioner

  • Full member and vice chair for The Canine Training and Behaviour Society (TCBTS)

  • Full member Association Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC)

Foster/ Adoption Assessments

Many fostering agencies will require an assessment if there are dogs living within the household, before a child can be fostered or adopted. This is usually arranged by the agency, and involves a home visit where various elements of your dog’s behavioural responses will be assessed, in mind of how a child in the home could be affected.

These assessments tend to involve two main aspects: (1) taking a detailed history and (2) observation of the dog(s). This includes consideration of their interaction with family members and each other, their interaction with the environment and other people and dogs (at home and on walks) and their attitude and ability to deal with potentially triggering areas of life such as handling, food, toys and visitors.

The assessment is not looking for a perfect dog, but designed to assess the potential risk to a child should a child live in that particular home, and highlight problem areas which could hopefully be worked on. Feedback and recommendations would be provided within the report.